



DinMo x Braze: Your 1st-Party Data for effective Customer Engagement

DinMo x Braze: Your 1st-Party Data for effective Customer Engagement

5min • May 11, 2023

Yomna Sfaxi

Yomna Sfaxi

Growth & Marketing Manager


When engaging with customers, it is crucial to prioritize their experience and avoid overwhelming them with irrelevant messages. To achieve this, it is essential to segment your customer base into several audiences sharing the same preferences, needs and interests. In particular, this enables effective interactions to prevent churn as much as possible.

Personalization in marketing is all about gaining valuable insights into your users, creating hyper-targeted customer audiences, and adapting your marketing strategies.

The key? 💡 leveraging your first-party data in every marketing activation.

That's why we are thrilled to announce the integration of DinMo with Braze, one of the industry's leading marketing automation platforms 🎉
With DinMo x Braze integration, you are now able to harness the power of your first-party data to drive the best customer-centric interactions!

Tap into the warehouse and delight customers with DinMo x Braze

About Braze

Braze is a leading customer engagement platform that helps businesses build and nurture meaningful relationships with their customers. It offers a comprehensive set of tools and features for delivering personalized, targeted, and timely messages across various channels, including email, push notifications, in-app messaging, and more.

Create Highly Targeted Audiences for Braze Campaigns with DinMo

With the DinMo x Braze integration, you can create highly targeted audiences and establish more relevant communication with your customers. Your Data Warehouse collects diverse customer data, presenting a comprehensive 360° view of your customers. By harnessing this unified customer data, you can deliver personalized customer experiences and maximize results across multiple industries. Here are some examples:

  • E-commerce: Increase customer loyalty and sales through tailored product recommendations based on browsing and purchase history.

  • Mobile Gaming: Enhance player retention and monetization with personalized push notifications for game updates, special offers, and reminders.

  • Travel and Hospitality: Create memorable experiences by delivering personalized travel recommendations, exclusive deals, and loyalty rewards to drive repeat bookings and customer satisfaction.

  • Fintech: Identify churn-rick users and proactively reach out to them with special offers or support, aiming to retain them as valuable customers

Thanks to the DinMo x Braze integration, you can now personalize your email and Push campaigns based on your customer's interests and purchase history.
This personalization ultimately increases customer engagement and brand loyalty, boosts sales, and uncovers
cross-selling and upselling opportunities.

Learn more about email personalization

No coding required: Activate data from your Warehouse in simple steps

With the DinMo platform, you don't need to be a tech expert or have knowledge of SQL or CSV. Setting up a data pipeline between your data warehouse and Braze is a seamless process with DinMo :

Set Braze as a Destination in DinMo in 3 steps

Wrap it up

With the ability to create precise audiences in DinMo and sync them with Braze, along with timely updates of custom fields, any business can greatly enhance its targeted messaging capabilities and improves customer engagement strategies.

About the authors

Yomna Sfaxi

Yomna Sfaxi

Growth & Marketing Manager

Yomna is Growth & Marketing Manager at DinMo. She has a solid background in marketing and advertising, having worked on renowned international accounts such as Redbull and Sanofi and with scaling tech startups. Her passion for growth marketing led her to DinMo. Yomna has a love for singing, performing arts, and nature.


Table of content

  • Introduction
  • Tap into the warehouse and delight customers with DinMo x Braze
  • Wrap it up

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